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The Obama Years | First Black President | CRT | Tokenism (Video)

CRT | Tokenism

In this video, we examine Barack Obama's comments mocking parents across the nation who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT). While the FBI is treating parents who show up at their local school board(s) to voice their opposition to CRT as domestic terrorists, CRT is designed to teach children racism and pit them against each other, regardless of whether Democrats and liberals pretend it does not…

As Malcolm X said, 'You should ask yourself, "Who taught you to hate yourself to the point where you hate being around everyone who looks like you?

Malcolm X brilliantly points out that 'Liberals' have always used racism and domestic and international terrorism as weapons to gain or seize power, to divide and conquer. Malcolm X says, 'White Liberals use minorities, including the Black community, as pawns or a football in the struggle for power against other Whites who call themselves Conservatives.' Malcolm X continues, 'White Liberals will use black leaders as tokens or tokenism to manipulate their followers as pawns in the struggle for power against their White Conservative brothers and sisters.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the antithesis of Malcolm X, who preached nonviolent protest to win equal rights under the law and remove the barriers of segregation, to integrate into the American fabric. Who was right?

So the question is: Why does Obama support Critical Race Theory (CRT)? Why are the Democrats, in general, supporting Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

To answer this question, instead of focusing on CRT, let’s look at who Barack Obama, the Former Democratic 44th President of the United States, is. We see that in The Obama Administration, which includes Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton coupled with her husband, President Bill Clinton. Who are their supporters? Where do they come from? What do we know about these people?

President Obama himself is not related to African Americans who endured slavery, The Civil War, Reconstruction, The Great Depression, and WW1, WW2, and The Civil Rights Movement during the ongoing Cold War, which was a war on Global Communism. Barack Obama’s father came from Kenya, and his mother Ann Dunham was a liberal white woman from Kansas. Her parents helped raise Barack Obama in Hawaii when his Kenyan father abandoned Obama and his mother as a baby, and when his mother Ann Dunham went abroad to Kenya and South Africa, leaving Barack Obama behind in Hawaii. Obama later left Hawaii, moved to Chicago, attended law school, and promptly adopted the African American community in Chicago as his community/identity.

During Obama’s college years, he changed his name to Barry Obama and joined the Black Student Union. Shortly after college, Obama was hired by Bill Ayers (a convicted domestic terrorist of the Weather Underground who bombed the Pentagon and many other government buildings) to lead the Chicago Annenberg Challenge chapter of the Annenberg Challenge.

Walter Annenberg was a multi-billionaire media mogul and US Ambassador under President Ronald Reagan and several other Presidents prior to the Reagan Administration. Walter Annenberg sold his media empire/assets, Triangle Publications (TV Guide, Daily Racing Form, and a few other publications), to Australian publishing magnate Rupert Murdoch in 1988 for $3 billion (a record media price at the time). Rupert Murdoch combined the Annenberg media assets with Sky News to create Fox News, with some help from the Reagan & Bush Sr. Administrations and the corporation The Carlyle Group, aiming to provide a conservative narrative to counter the liberal media's narrative.

Walter Annenberg announced he would devote his life to philanthropy, becoming yet another multi-billionaire foundation that seeks to alter American life through political action and funding. The Annenberg Foundation established the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania and the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

One of the Annenberg Foundation's philanthropic (political agenda) donations was $500 million to President Bill Clinton's administration, which then led to the creation of many chapters of the Annenberg Challenge across the nation. The Clinton Administration directed $50 million of the $500 million donation to The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) chapter, appointing Bill Ayers as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Ayers then hired Barack Obama as a member of the board of directors.

During the 2008 Presidential Cycle, when Obama was running against Hillary Clinton, The Wall Street Journal wrote an article that outlined how Barack Obama, together with Bill Ayers through the CAC and the Woods Foundation, promoted radicalism in schools in Chicago during the 1990s. The article can be found at: This is why Obama introduced himself as a Community Organizer, a term coined by Saul Alinsky, who wrote 'Rules for Radicals.' Saul Alinsky was a hero of Hillary Clinton, as indicated by her college thesis paper and letters to Saul Alinsky.

Bill Ayers and Barack Obama also served on several other boards of directors, including the Woods Foundation of Chicago, and allocated money to various Chicago-based operations, including ACORN and Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, led by Jeremiah Wright.

According to a 2008 CNN report, the primary objectives of the CAC and the Woods Foundation were to fund alternative radical education programs, including CRT (Critical Race Theory), Black African American Studies, Black History, etc., in order to create programs that were designed to generate anti-American radical activists instead of providing a proper education, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Just as ACORN was designed to manipulate the vote and install radicals into office, including Barack Obama himself, Obama's career as a Community Organizer was spent corrupting the education system. This, in turn, created anti-American radicals who then manipulated the voting system to help install puppet candidates. These candidates further corrupted the legal system and the application of law to uphold a double standard, which is evident today in 2021 when looking back at the Trump Administration from 2016 to 2020. Liberal Democrat-controlled states and cities literally allowed anarchy and crime to flourish on the streets, with groups like Antifa & BLM rioting and burning down many cities. They did this by declaring entire cities and states as sanctuaries for criminals while simultaneously demanding to defund the police.

Bill Ayers talks about the importance of education as a human right, but this is code for indoctrination & Marxism and other radical ideals to create the next generation of radical activists. All of this explains the Democrats' and progressives' agenda and narrative to incorporate LGBT+ issues and CRT into The Bill Gates Foundation's Common Core, aiming to replace our education systems and curriculum with radicalism. This is why Common Core is a national failure. It was not designed to educate the children in the basics of the 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) but rather to indoctrinate them, at the cost of their literacy.

Apparently, this is a United Nations (UN) agenda to destroy and replace nationalism with globalism and a One World Government, also known as global communism, through psychological warfare.

In this video, we also look at several of Obama Administration officials' roles in the Obama Administration. These officials include former President Bill & Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary Clinton's role in the Obama Administration as Secretary of State. During her tenure, many pay-to-play schemes were revealed through WikiLeaks and investigative reports, which uncovered incidents like Uranium One. This involved the sale of America’s uranium supply and production to Russia and its potential use in Weapons of Mass Destruction Research and Development in countries like Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, etc.

We also learned about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s role in facilitating Russia & China’s use of the Ukraine Burisma Energy Deal, while enriching himself and other Democrats, prior to his run for President in 2020.

We also briefly review Jeffrey Epstein's relationship with the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, Democrats, and the Obama Administration, as well as other Hollywood donors such as Harvey Weinstein. These figures were at the heart of the #MeToo movement, which exposed Hollywood liberals as hypocrites and contributors to the scourge of human trafficking. As Hillary’s emails were exposed, we see that most, if not all, of the Democrats may have been blackmailed or willing participants in the cover-up and ongoing use of blackmail in domestic and international politics.

While this video does not a lot of time on this subject you can see many other videos which elaborate on this point.

Global Civil War | Domestic War on Terrorism | Vaccination

Viral Escape | Dr Fauci | Bill Gates | Joe Biden | RFK Jr

In sum,

The Obama years and his presidency have proven to be toxic, which corrupted the legal system with identity politics.


Perhaps the Cold War never really ended, also known as the War on Global Communism. Maybe a never-ending Cold War is the price to pay to avoid a nuclear World War III...

George Orwell said in his final interview before he died, 'If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a face forever.' The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.

Joshua Lindsay